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Public Skating

NO Friday Open Skate for public on the dates listed below - Come Cheer on the local youth & HS skaters! - Hoping to add some other dates/times for January - stay tuned to Facebook.

1/10 - 12U PeeWee Hawks Home Hockey Tournament 

1/17 - 10U Squirt Hawk Home Hockey Tournament

1/24 - 7PM Game vs St.Mary Springs - LUHS boys varsity hockey game

1/31 - 6PM Game vs Altoona - LUHS boys varsity hockey game

Public Skating will be Friday's from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM during Fall & Winter Seasons! Hope to see you soon!!

$5 Admission

$3 Skate Rentals

Questions? Please Contact Rink Manager, Brent @

Interested in Renting the Ice???

Please allow a minimum of 48 hour notice for any ice rentals.

All inquiries for ice availability can be directed to rink manager @